Hos Tandklinikken Helleruphus kan du forvente tryg, omhyggelig og professionel behandling. Klinikkens personale har et tæt samarbejde, hvilket altid sikre vores patienter den bedste rådgivning og behandling.
Dentist copenhagen contact

Contact us

If you want further information about the clinic, treatments or if you have any questions, you can send an email to info@byensklinik.dk or give us a call by phone.

You are also welcome to fill out the contact form, which we will answer as soon as possible.

we kindly ask you to read our databeskyttelsespolitik* before using the contact form.

Jeg giver hermed accept til at Tandklinikken Helleruphus må kontakte mig, samt accept af deres databeskyttelsespolitik

Phone hours

Monday 07:45 – 17:00

Tuesday 07:45 – 15:00

Wednesday 07:45– 16:00

Thursday 07:45 – 14:00

Friday 07:45 – 13:00

Closed in weekends and holidays


The clinic is located in the heart of Hellerup with entrance from both Strandvejen and from the townsquare with an entering from Onsgårdsvej. If you come by car, you can park in the large parking lot, also with the entering from Onsgårdsvej.

Note that a parking disc must be used.

You also have the opportunity to park in our guest car park - you must contact the reception where you will be given a parking permit, which is valid for the day the parking permit is issued.

Emergency treatments

In case of acute dental problems or toothache outside the clinic opening hours please refer to:

Tandlægevagten Oslo Plads 14
2100 København Ø
phone: 3538 0251

opening hours: 20:00-21:30
weekends & holidays: 10:00-12:00
